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PoliticsI've already said Rep. Ellison is a better man than ISubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 5, 2007 - 8:28am.
on Politics Ellison Uses Thomas Jefferson's Quran
I wouldn't have done it. I would not turn down HIS offer to reconcile but Goode was the idiot here. There was no misunderstanding of his intent. This guy needs to be arrestedSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 6:30pm.
on People of the Word | Politics 'Assassination' schedule announced for Congress A radio talk-show entertainer whose earlier statements that he "may" have to assassinate members of Congress if the wrong people were elected Nov. 7 now has set a timetable for those killings. In a statement on his website, Hal Turner noted that a newspaper has reported that a bill granting amnesty to illegal aliens is expected to be enacted in January, when the Democratic Party takes control of the U.S. Senate and House. "ANY MEMBER OF CONGRESS WHO INTRODUCES, CO-SPONSORS OR VOTES IN FAVOR OF ANY SUCH AMNESTY WILL BE DECLARED A DOMESTIC ENEMY AND WILL BE CONSIDERED A LEGITIMATE TARGET FOR ASSASSINATION," Turner posted on his website. The CBC swearing in ceremony is on C-SPANSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 10:51am.
on Politics I'll never be a politician. You gotta wrap every word in a damn floral arrangement and set the whole mess on top of a bible, even when you're totally on point. I just heard "our magnificent Senator" applauded for walking into the room. That's the floral arrangement...and I understand it. I caught my nephew watching Oprah, when our magnificent Senator was on the show. His reaction? "I like this guy." My nephew's political interest is inversely proportional to mine. But you know me...I got no respect for persons. Rep. Ellison is a far better man than ISubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 7:57am.
on Onward the Theocracy! | Politics
Choose Generosity, Not Exclusion Somewhere in Minneapolis or Jackson or Baltimore, somewhere in America today, there is a young couple that is feeling vulnerable. Maybe one has been laid off due to outsourcing, and maybe, the other is working for something close to a minimum wage. They probably have no medical benefits. Today real income is lower for the typical family than in 2000, while the incomes of the wealthiest families have grown significantly. Things are tough for working people, but in America, we often turn to our faith in tough times. George Will is a minor dickBut a dick nonetheless.
In The Right Minimum Wage he shows typical rich guy near-sightedness.
The WSJ tries to calm the massesSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 6:44am.
on Politics | Race and Identity This probably isn't the part of the article that makes their readers feel all warm inside.
Rep. Clyburn could not have said anything that I can relate to more. And you know that old saw about greatness being thrust upon you? It's true sometimes.
Clyburn Leads Southern Blacks' Ascent To Top Posts in Congress WASHINGTON -- In this time of change in Congress, Rep. James Clyburn, a minister's son from South Carolina, takes his place tomorrow as the House Majority Whip -- the No. 3 Democratic post and highest ever held by an African-American from a Southern district. The 66-year-old Mr. Clyburn, who was 25 before the Voting Rights Act was enacted, symbolizes the rise of a set of Southern black lawmakers, shaped by the region and with a distinctive approach to politics separate from that of black leaders representing urban Northern districts. You should ignore his pudgy little assSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 4, 2007 - 6:23am.
on Politics
In the House, Suddenly Righteous Republicans Thirty-one-year-old Rep. Patrick McHenry (R-N.C.) is not a large man, standing perhaps 5 feet 3 inches tall in thick soles. But he packed a whole lot of chutzpah when he walked into the House TV gallery yesterday to demand that the new Democratic majority give the new Republican minority all the rights that Republicans had denied Democrats for years. "The bill we offer today, the minority bill of rights, is crafted based on the exact text that then-Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi submitted in 2004 to then-Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert," declared McHenry, with 10 Republican colleagues arrayed around him. "We're submitting this minority bill of rights, which will ensure that all sides are protected, that fairness and openness is in fact granted by the new majority." [P6: Your Republican ass should get all the minority protection your American Solid Southern ass support for minorities in real life] I didn't even have to read the thing to see the spin
How about slashing YOUR pet project in half? Or even all the way to zero, the way the public wants?
Dear Washington PostSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 3, 2007 - 7:51pm.
on Politics
Letting Republicans succeed in derailing the Congress would be a worse start. Ask a serious questionSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 3, 2007 - 7:03pm.
on Politics | Race and Identity ...get a serious answer.
If you listed to the Senator's speeches you will see a common theme. He runs sequetially through the various sufferage movements the nation has endured as though each came to a clean, elegant closure. He tells mainstream folks the serious problems are over and it's all a matter of incremental adjustments. Feeling stupid yet, Virgil?Submitted by Prometheus 6 on January 3, 2007 - 6:53pm.
on Politics
Give it up, VirgilSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 2, 2007 - 9:10am.
on Onward the Theocracy! | Politics
No one asked you to. Sounds reasonable to meSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on January 2, 2007 - 8:57am.
on Politics When the Republicans decided to end the last session without finishing up critical business just to support their political ambitions they left little choice. They have no time to change the rules Republicans set up. Me, I'd make them live under their own rules for at least a year while pursuing what folks actually need. Democrats To Start Without GOP Input As they prepare to take control of Congress this week and face up to campaign pledges to restore bipartisanship and openness, Democrats are planning to largely sideline Republicans from the first burst of lawmaking. A presidential press briefingSeriously. I meant to post this yesterday. It was on in the background and I decided to record it at the last minute (DVRs are cool like long as the show is still in the buffer you can get the whole show). Presidential scholars can save this clip to have a convenient list of all the terms of art and rhetorical flourishes used to sucker the Flyover Folk. Close your eyes, chant "Weapons of Mass Destruction Program Related Activities at Poison Factories" three times, then watch. You got a feed reader?Submitted by Prometheus 6 on December 22, 2006 - 3:15pm.
on Media | Politics | Race and Identity If so, hit this link and subscribe to NPR: African-American Roundtable. Roundtable: Victimization, Bush on Iraq and Politics News & Notes, December 21, 2006 · Today's roundtable panel discusses victimization, President Bush's latest public remarks about Iraq, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones (D-OH) leadership of the House Ethics Committee and the Federal Election Commission's prediction that the 2008 presidential race could cost candidates $1 billion. Wherein I go the NY Times one betterThese are the references The NY Times provides ...with this op-ed.
Me, I got video of Mr. Leverett explaining what's going on. Where I disagree with the A.C.L.U.
But political advertisements do not petition the government. You want to know the truth, I'd like to see two new TV channels exclusively for political for national campaigns, one for state and local campaigns. Maybe one especially for issues advertising. We need some easily reversible way of isolating the crap. You Americhristians have been hadSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 20, 2006 - 11:05pm.
on Impeachable offenses | Onward the Theocracy! | Politics This is the first question from today's year end press conference. Check the body language. And check when he reads from the teleprompter. It's all Bushit.
Okay, now I'm readySubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 19, 2006 - 3:54pm.
on Politics | Race and Identity At the risk of being told I have no life:
To be honest, I got issues with the good Senator. Consider:
If your typical mainstream progressive feels that way, I'd say Black folks are entitled to the same feeling, only an order of magnitude stronger. The nipples of governmentSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 19, 2006 - 7:42am.
on Politics BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha! I love it! Stole WAY too much of it...
Some of you Democratic partisans need to keep this in mind tooSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 18, 2006 - 1:58pm.
on Politics W. James Antle: Speak truth to power Plenty of spin and recriminations filled the air following the midterm elections, but Rush Limbaugh could still be heard above the din. Conservative talk radio's most powerful voice caused a minor stir by declaring he felt "liberated" by the Democratic victories. Mr. Limbaugh explained to his listeners, "I no longer am going to have to carry the water for people who I don't think deserve having their water carried." Looks like The Cowboy's presidential library will have to be in his native New Haven, ConnecticutSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 18, 2006 - 12:07pm.
on Politics Protest at SMU Targets Bush Library The likelihood that the George W. Bush presidential library will be located at SMU has not been welcome news for at least one segment of the university community. A letter, dated December 16, from "Faculty, Administrators, & Staff" of the Perkins School of Theology to R. Gerald Turner, president of the Board of Trustees, is now circulating not only on the SMU campus but also among a wider academic community, urging the board to "reconsider and to rescind SMU's pursuit of the presidential library." Texas Monthly has obtained a copy of this letter, which, as you might expect, focuses heavily on objections to Bush's policies: "We count ourselves among those who would regret to see SMU enshrine attitudes and actions widely deemed as ethically egregious: degradation of habeas corpus, outright denial of global warming, flagrant disregard for international treaties, alienation of long-term U.S. allies, environmental predation, shameful disrespect for gay persons and their rights, a pre-emptive war based on false and misleading premises, and a host of other erosions of respect for the global human community and for this good Earth on which our flourishing depends." Okay, I admit it was my first thought tooSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 17, 2006 - 7:10am.
on Politics The Field Negro on Sen. Johnson's health problem.
They gon' talk about yo mama next, BarackSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 17, 2006 - 5:46am.
on For the Democrats | Politics Son. Your best bet is to declare you're not running and get drafted for VP. That way they only have a couple of months to gut your reputation like a fish. Is this Dickerson clown related to Debra "The End of Blackness" Dickerson?'s article on "Obama's Shady Real Estate Deal" found nothing shady teased a December 14 article by Slate chief political correspondent John Dickerson by suggesting that the article exposed a "Shady Real Estate Deal" involving Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL). In fact, the article explained there is "no evidence" that Obama did anything wrong. Funny? Absurd? Yolu be the judgeSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 16, 2006 - 10:22am.
on Economics | People of the Word | Politics | Race and Identity
Border Fence Firm Snared for Hiring Illegal Workers All Things Considered, December 14, 2006 · A fence-building company in Southern California agrees to pay nearly $5 million in fines for hiring illegal immigrants. Two executives from the company may also serve jail time. The Golden State Fence Company's work includes some of the border fence between San Diego and Mexico. After an immigration check in 1999 found undocumented workers on its payroll, Golden State promised to clean house. But when followup checks were made in 2004 and 2005, some of those same illegal workers were still on the job. In fact, U-S Attorney Carol Lam says as many as a third of the company's 750 workers may have been in the country illegally. John McCain tells a bald-faced lie
Military Considers Sending as Many as 35,000 More U.S. Troops to Iraq, McCain Says BAGHDAD, Dec. 14 — Senator John McCain said Thursday that American military commanders were discussing the possibility of adding as many as 10 more combat brigades — a maximum of about 35,000 troops — to “bring the situation under control” while Iraq’s divided political leaders seek solutions to the worsening bloodshed here. After talks in Baghdad with Gen. George W. Casey Jr. and other top American generals, Mr. McCain, an Arizona Republican, said a substantial United States troop increase was one of the strategy changes the generals were considering as they reviewed what he called “a steadily deteriorating situation.” Empty promises coming dueSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 15, 2006 - 8:07am.
on Politics | Race and Identity | War You know what this means?
It means most of the criminals caught were Europeans. U.S. Is Dropping Effort to Track if Visitors Leave WASHINGTON, Dec. 14 — In a major blow to the Bush administration’s efforts to secure borders, domestic security officials have for now given up on plans to develop a facial or fingerprint recognition system to determine whether a vast majority of foreign visitors leave the country, officials say. Domestic security officials had described the system, known as U.S. Visit, as critical to security and important in efforts to curb illegal immigration. Similarly, one-third of the overall total of illegal immigrants are believed to have overstayed their visas, a Congressional report says. Tracking visitors took on particular urgency after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, when it became clear that some of the hijackers had remained in the country after their visas had expired. Get realSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 14, 2006 - 12:17pm.
on Politics
I don't beieve it. I think a guy that throws 5-10 million bucks to spread lies won't cavil over paying a couple hundred grand for the fines. FEC Fines Swift Boat Vets $300K Is the era of the millionaire-backed attack group coming to an end? The Federal Election Commission hit the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth with a $299,500 fine today for playing too fast with election rules. The Swift Boat Vets were a "527" organization, which has no limits on contributions, but were acting like federal political committees, the FEC charged. 527s are allowed to work for or against certain candidates, but if they have no other "major purpose," according to FEC spokesman Bob Biersack, then they should register as a committee. The biggest rat covers his tracksSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 14, 2006 - 11:32am.
on Economics | People of the Word | Politics
Administration asks to keep Cheney logs secret The biggest rat abandons the shipSubmitted by Prometheus 6 on December 14, 2006 - 11:29am.
on People of the Word | Politics | War
Cheney Burrows as Bush Ponders Iraq What's become of Dick Cheney? Washington insiders are buzzing over the fact that the vice president has been publicly silent and mostly out of sight since the Iraq Study Group issued its long-awaited report last week. White House insiders say Cheney is playing an inside game, advising President Bush privately not to change course too much in Iraq, not to withdraw U.S. troops anytime soon, and not to talk directly with the hard-line regimes in Iran and Syria about the situation. ![]() |
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